Well done everyone you survived to the end of the road ! Hope work experience is going well and I will see you next week ready for the start of Advanced Higher :)
Hope you like this photo taken last week during IIS fieldwork.
Hope you have had a good day. DO leave yourselves plenty of time to get to school tomorrow - it is so windy just now that there may well be trees etc down so plan ahead. Remember my watchwords of planning and being organised.
Have some time off tonight and I will see you first thing to keep you calm.
Well - I will see if I can find a soil picture later on. Hope revision is progressing steadily along with your Physics & Chemistry - not too long now until they are all over and you wil be free to have some spare time !
Remember short effective half hour bursts are better than 3 hours of vague reading. You should be able to condense what you have learnt in half an hour down to a few mind maps / words/ phrases. Hear me speaking to you !! Get some fresh air , quick walk round the block or in E's case a quick two mile run ( sorry km run we don't use miles now in geography !) .
I will see some of you when in for Physics tomorrow.
Take care - ask your mum to cook you a special Sunday lunch / tea.
P.S. Icelandic volcanoes erupting again - different one this time
Never mind the revision - good news - I now have 2 bags of sherbet sweeties ready to share with you on Tuesday !
With the physical features be sure you know examples of both erosion and deposition for both coats and glaciation. On Paper 1 you may not get much of a choice, for RLR you probably get more of a chance to choose the examples you wish to include BUT read the question carefully it may say erosional features only ( or depositional features only).
Find short ways of remembering the key points - remember the hand diagram for within countries.
There may be chance for a quick game of Geoguno from 8.00 onwards ??? What other subject could have you playing games just before your exam ??
Sunny afternoon - ideal for some Geography revision. What are you concetrating on today ? I am thinking of you :) Detail, detail and more detail with examples. H are you doing questions to time - if not you should be ! Have been marking some questions for some of you - good work. Remember to use those correct geographical terms - be precise and hear my voice - move on after 15 mins on Paper 1 / 35 mins on Paper 2.
Keep calm and have a break over the weekend too - make a cake or something relaxing !!
Will try and find a nice Malham photo ( or 4 ) for you.
Hope Maths went ok yesterday for you. With your revision over the next few days don't forget to learn the details for those 20 mark questions on Paper 2. They can have a big influence on your grade. You know your named examples just be sure to use them :)
The photo today is of the Easedale valley in the Lake District - a glaciated example for you - look at the land use.
We will start population tomorrow next to last topic ! - then just sand dunes.
You all did well on Paper 2 (despite some misreading of questions) so bear in mind the same things for the NAB. Look at the number of marks available for each section and READ the question properly. Get your timing right ( especially H !)- 45 mins for a NAB. Draw diagrams and label fully.
Keep calm and I can go over any questions / queries tomorrow.
Hello everyone. I thought you might like to see these photos taken from the top of Cairngorm and across Loch Morlich yesterday in wonderful weather.
Hope the revision is going well. You have all worked well and the main thing you need to do is keep calm ! The format is exactly the same as your past papers from 2008 onwards.
Paper 1 - 1 hour 30 mins 4 compulsory questions ( 2 human, 2 physical) worth 18 marks and 2 further questions worth 14 marks - you will have a choice for the physical but not for human as there is one topic we have not yet completed.
Paper 2 - 1 hour 15 mins ONLY answer Question 1 and Question 6 - allow 35 mins for each - make sure you get to the last part of the questions as they can be worth 20 marks - look at past papers to see what I mean.
I will be in school on Tuesday ( so pop your head round the door when you are in for your first exam) or email either school or the other email address you haev if you need help. Deep breaths and READ the question very carefully and ensure you include your case study examples.
See you on Wednesday Deep breaths !
Sorry about the format - I can't get the text to move properly and now need to cook lunch !
Well the Physical NAB approaches !! Keep calm, there will be two twenty mark questions on two different Physical Environment topics e.g. Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere & Biosphere and a ten mark physical GMT question.
Answer in detail, use examples throughout and watch your time so that you get to the end !