Thursday, 30 December 2010

Time lapse blizzard video

Have a look at this - amazing pictures - watch the clock !

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Happy Christmas

Hello everyone - especially T who checks here frequently. Hope you have had a good Christmas and have been managing in all the snow. I will post a photo of an icicle ice sculpture we had in the garden. Thanks again for my lovely photo and frame - hope you have all enjoyed the chocs. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the rest of the holidays !

Mrs C xx :)

Monday, 29 November 2010


We have started looking at the Health section of work today. For those of you unable to make it because of snow a few hints - if you have your book at home look at the section on health. Use the Water Aid web site for some specific case studies to use in your answers. Email if you have any specific queries.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Development and Health

Two web sites that are well worth looking at are

They give lots of data and information to help in this section of work.

To those of you stuck at home in the snow we have looked at the undp web site above and discussed indicators and the HDI index. Look at your past papers to get a feel for the type of questions on indicators. Finish Brazil notes and the differences between countries nad be sure you knwo examples of economic adn social indicators. You could even try a question and email it to me - check your inbox later today as I will try and send an email.

See you next week ( hopefully !!)

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Well here we are again. Good to know we have completed the industry unit and are now working our way through the urban work. Don't forget to look at the GMT's as well as your text book and notes when preparing answers.

Next time you visit Edinburgh have a good look at the site and think about the situation and reasons for growth. Use the map in your text book to revise characteristics of the CBD and ensure you know the differences between the CBD and inner city with named examples of places to include in your responses.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Limestone - caves

Have a look at this web site for a virtual tour of underground limestone scenery.

This is an other example of a limestone cave.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Wonderful photographs of Britain from the Air

Follow this link to a wonderful set of photographs showing Britain - not part of the syllabus but wonderful photos.

Be thinking of your aliases !


As promised, some limestone photographs from Malham and the link to the excellent BBC limestone web site - do make good use of it both now and later on for revision too.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Excellent web site with animations

Do make sure you follow this link to see the really good physical Geography animations

They will help you to understand the formation of river features. Could you label the photograph below with meaningful animations ?

Tuesday, 14 September 2010


As you can tell we move through work very quickly at Higher level. Having finished soils we are now moving through the Hydrosphere unit of work. Don't forget to ask if you are unsure or get stuck. Note taking is a real skill and one that improves with practice - mind maps or spider diagrams can often summarise things more quickly and obviously than a paragraph of writing. Consolidation and revision of ideas is something we do constantly in class but keep testing yourself too. Remember what I have said about knowing more at the end of a lesson than you did at the start !

Work hard, have fun and get your fieldwork write up completed soon !

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Happy New (school) Year

Welcome to the Higher course - great to have you in class. I am sure we will have a good time with lots of fun (and hard work) betweeen now and 24th May 2011. There are lots of hints, links and comments in past posts - browse through them by using the index at the right hand side of this page.

Good luck, work hard, learn your case studies and all will be well ! Remember to come and find me in the Geography Room if you need help, advice, encouragement.

Mrs C

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Estimate exams

A quick recap of the format of the paper

Paper 1 Physical and Human Environments 1hour 30 mins 100 marks
4 compulsory questions ( 2 physical and 2 human) worth 18 marks eachthen 2 other questions each worth 14 marks - one physical question 5 OR 6 AND one human question 7 OR 8

Paper 2 Environmental Interactions 1 hour 15 mins 100 marks
Answer Question 1 AND Question 6 ONLY ( You can not do Q2,3,4,5)

Don't forget you can email or ring if you are stuck / worried / need help while you are on exam leave.

Keep calm and make use of older posts on the blog to help you. 6 deep breaths !

Don't forget the BBC site especially for coasts and limestone and Higher Bitesize too.

Landslide - mass movement

An amazing / worrying video link today to a massive landslide in Italy

Well worth looking at.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Rural work

Well we have just about finished the rural section. Don't forget the advice we discussed today about how to answer a question well. Remember specific named examples and read the question very carefully think about exactly what the question is asking. Is it merely description or looking at changes, impact on people or landscape.

Search earlier rural posts and look at the BBC Higher bitesize site too.

Make use of your text book and the summary sheet - have a picture in your mind of the landscape berfore you start answering the question - ensure you are answering for the correct region.

Tomorrow we start Rural Land Resources

Snow and more snow

Happy New Year to everyone and what a snowy one it is.

This link is to a wonderful satellite image of the whole of the UK under snow. It is the photograph I have put up outside my room this week.