Monday, 17 December 2007

End of term

Some winter scene photos from geograph to get you in the mood for Christmas. Follow the link to see more. If you search "snowscape" you will find over 200 snowy scenes to admire.
With the end of term now in sight you need to be reviewing what you have achieved during this term. VS is undoubtedly the hardest year in school. You have spent many hours working away making notes, revising topics, completing homework questions and past paper answers. Think about your target grade - what are you wanting to achieve ? Have you given yourself the best opportunity to reach that goal ? If not what can you do about it next term ?

Obviously you will be needing some time off to relax and enjoy the festivities but do bear in mind that your estimate exams will sooooon be upon you ! Look over your notes and if there is anything you are unsure of make a note of it and ask for help when we return to school.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy, safe and successful 2008.

Friday, 14 December 2007

South Georgia web cam

I have shown this to the IV Senior classes but it is well worth a look. It is the web cam on South Georgia in the South Atlantic which was pointed out to me by some Geography collleagues a few months ago. It is updated every 3 minutes and there are often some interesting scenes to view. This one has to be one of the best I have seen and was taken just 5 minutes ago. Click on the picture to follow the link.

Development & Health

As you near the end of this topic with Mrs Ch don't forget to make use of the BBC web site. There is some very useful information for you to use. Click on the picture above to take you to the site and relevant articles about malaria. ( Do remember not all the topics are relevant to Higher. The site has been developed for use by Intermediate 2 students too.)

Thursday, 13 December 2007


As we have been studying the sections of the Rural part of the course I have been emphasising the types of question you may be asked for shifting cultivation, intensive subsitence agriculture and extensive commercial farming. The farming system, landscape, population density and changes are all very common and you must be able to asnwer for all three of our Case Study areas.

The Google Earth images are well worth searching out for yourselves again as well as recalling the photographs you have been shown in class and those in your text book too.

The BBC bitesize site has some rural questions so make use of that too.