Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Geographical Christmas gifts

Now the dance is over you can turn your eyes to the next big event on the horizon - Christmas. With this in mind and as a link to the Development & Health work you are covering at present for Paper 2 there are some web sites with alternative suggestions for Christmas gifts / charity donations.

Oxfam Unwrappped

Action Aid - sponsor a child

Water Aid SH2OP for life

One form have raised money for the charity "Send a Cow" this year too.

There are many organisations now encouraging people to donate in this more unusual manner - have you considered it ?? Do you really need all those bubble baths / smelly items that people give as presents or could you offer someone in need real hope by paying for a toilet, malaria net or school books ??

These are just a few ideas - you may like to suggest some others too ?

Target Setting

As we have now completed some of the Paper 1 units and you have undertaken both Human Geography and Physical Geography it is time to start to reflect on the work we have covered so far.
Do you understand the work you have completed ?
Are there areas you need further clarification on.
Are your notes up to date ?
Ar you making / using revision notes/ books/ cards
Are you spending a "fair" balance of your time on Geography ? We understand you have other subjects too but Geography needs one fifth of your time if you are studying five subjects.

Tomorrow you will be asked to complete your target sheet - this will ask you to detail aspects of the course you enjoy and those you find difficult. You will have the opportunity to think about your target grade - this is your decision not ours !

Later in the year you will review your targets in light of NAB and estimate results. It is certainly a good idea to have something to focus on durign this very busy Higher year and it does work as the current 6th years will tell you !

Tuesday, 6 November 2007


As we start our section of work on industry for the Human Interactions section of the Higher paper a few photographs to look at of various types of industry from around the U.K. courtesy of geographyphotos.
Think about the type of industry being shown
What are the raw materials?
What is the finished product ?
What location factors would have been important when siting the industry originally ?
What problems may the industry be suffering today ?
What may happen in the future ?
We will be looking at many of these factors together with some GMTs e.g. O.S. mapwork and labelling of diagrams / explanation of data.